Provider testing

This solution allows to test providers against such indicators:

Using Call generator Smartswitch directs calls to specified providers.
Generation could be initiated: Caller and callee numbers for generation could be:

After call generation finishes, ASR, ACD and FAS indicators are known.

To detect FAS following logic is used.
After pickup Smartswitch starts to playback short tones like the call has been disconnected.
Playing lasts 60 sec.
In case if call has been picked up by real subscriber, he likely will hang up within 60 sec, when he will hear short tone rings.
In case if after 60 sec called subscriber hasn't hanged up - this call is marked as FAS.

After call generation finishes, you can: Providers check could be completely automated: Thus, you configure only once, and enhance the quality of services provided by you for your customers.
And in future just:

See also:

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