enable - enable/disable peer.
When peer is disabled, all calls which come from him will be blocked and won't be shown in reports.
name - peer name.
company - choose one of Companies, to which belongs this peer.
billing pack - choose one of Billing packs, which will be used to calculate prices for calls.
consumption profile - choose Consumption profile for this peer.
call handler - choose Call handler, which will be used for this originator.
route class - choose one of Route classes for this originator.
profit controller - choose one of Profit controllers.
call limit - set maximum simultaneous call amount which should be handled by the system.
All beyond limit will be dropped.
language - chose one of Languages.
origination controller - choose one of Origination controllers.
SIP - add/edit/delete Originator SIP parameters
H323 - add/edit/delete Originator H323 parameters
OH323 - add/edit/delete Originator OH323 parameters
Caller ID replace patterns - Regex patterns for caller ID (А-number) replacement
Callee ID replace patterns - Regex patterns for callee ID (B-number) replacement
Variables - this menu can contain variables which are set for this originator.
Variables could be used in Call handler for various reasons.
Variables could be set either using this menu or using Widget classes.
Nodes - contains list of nodes which will handle calls from this originator (see section Clustering).
In case if none is set, it's assumed that call from this originator should be handled by any of nodes of the cluster.
Special settings - in this menu you can specify Widget classes for this originator.
Call limit for code - in this menu you can specify max. simultaneous call count for this peer.
The specified code should be present in Prices, otherwise limit won't be used.
In this menu reports in the context of originator are displayed.
Check hunting - tool for checking hunting for this originator.
Redo billing - used to re-calculate billing.
Graphs - information about channels, ASR, ACD, duration in graphical format for this originator.
Calls - a list of currently active calls for this originator.