Profit report

Profit report allows to to evaluate profitable directions in order to instantly adjust the business model.

Profit report is essential for those who work without Profit control.
This can happen if you have sold certain directions to your customers and guaranteed their availability.
However, later, your provider tells you to raise prices, for example, from tomorrow.
After this increase some of durations, that you sold your client may become unprofitable.
If you change the provider's prices and in case if automatic profit control is active, it will block unprofitable directions.
Thus, there is a violation of your contract with the guaranteed service for the customer.
Therefore, under such a scheme of work with the customer you cannot enable profit control.

However, you might need to find the problem and initiate a review of the contracts or to switch to alternative suppliers in case of such as issue.
Profit report enables you to detect the issues of this kind.

Also this report enables you to evaluate the profits in the context of your employees.
If you have a staff of managers, you can see how much profit you will bring on each of them, and if possible to assign bonuses to the most profitable manager.



from, to - choose time interval, for which to display data

display data - choose either to display data for the interval from - to or for the last interval of time.
The latter is convenient to perform online monitoring in browser, refreshing with CTRL+R.

currency - which currency to use to calculate price and profit
billing code pattern - display data only for calls in which billing code matches specified pattern.
show codes with total call count - display data only for billing codes for which total call count matches specified range
show codes with successful call count - display data only for billing codes for which successful call count matches specified range
show codes with answered call count - display data only for billing codes for which answered call count matches specified range
show codes with price - display data only for billing codes for which price matches specified range

inbound peer - display data only for calls which came from specified peer
group by name - display data grouped by company/peer name
hide empty reports - don't show reports for companies/peers for which there is no data, making resulting table shorter


toll free - display corresponding field
total count - display corresponding field
successful count - display corresponding field
answered count - display corresponding field
A-duration - display total call duration for peer on which you generate report
B-duration - display total bridged call duration
ACD (min) - display ACD
ASR () - display ASR
NER () - display NER
A-price - display total call price for peer on which you generate report
B-price - display total bridged call price
profit - display profit

routing - show routing table
When report is invoked on originator - shows to which terminators traffic went.
When report is invoked on terminator - shows from which originators traffic came.


Sample profit report:

Report conveniently groups directions and prices per minute and highlights unprofitable directions.
You can generate this report in the context of companies, peers, nodes and employees.


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