CDR comparison

Sometimes during work with customers (clients or suppliers) there can occur debatable situation - dispute.
It happens in case if you receive invoice from partner, you perform check using your own billing, for example using Financial report for the period and detect difference.
The same situation can occur on your partner side, when he receives invoice from you.

Usually this happens due to following reasons:

Usually acceptable difference percentage is negotiated in contract between you and your partner and is up to 5%.
In case if difference exceed negotiated level, then it's needed to perform check to determine the reason for difference and, therefore, the order of actions to eliminate the root of the difference.
This can involve, for example, destination price change and performing Redo billing.

Smartswitch contains tool for performing such a check and finding CDRs which differ: Сompare CDR.

This tool allows:

Once you got the list of CDRs with difference, you can review each of them and determine the root of difference.

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