LNP/MNP (Local number portability/Mobile number portability) - see Number portability.
LNP/MNP information service - informational service, which is provided by a number of suppliers.
To use this service, customer sends a query to a supplier of LNP/MNP information.
Query contains E.164 subscriber's number of interest.
In response, LNP/MNP supplier sends information data for this number, such as:
The contains of LNP/MNP response can vary depending on:
To generate response, LNP/MNP information provider could appeal to:
As far as LNP/MNP information constantly changes due to Number portability, the source of data greatly influences the freshness of information and the response latency.
Also price may depend on a source of information which is used by LNP/MNP information provider.
Obviously, direct query to mobile operators will cost more that lookup in local database.
Smartswitch can act both as supplicant and supplier of LNP/MNP information, see section LNP/MNP query.
After getting response for LNP/MNP query from LNP/MNP provider, Smartswitch stores it into LNP/MNP cache.
LNP/MNP information could be present inside a call from originator.
For example, you can get a cal with B-number of 380973301330;rn=380504440444;npdi=yes.
This means, that your originator has already performed LNP/MNP query (because of npdi=yes) and got LRN 380504440444.
Depending on the level of your trust to a partner, you can trust this information and perform Billing on a number 380504440444 instead of 380973301330, or perform LNP/MNP query to your LNP/MNP information providers by yourself.
This behavior is controlled by an option trust LRN in originator's settings.
When trusting LNP/MNP information from your partner, you can save your funds, because you don't perform LNP/MNP queries by yourself.
Similarly, you can send LNP/MNP information to your partner to assure he will generate correct invoice to you and to save him from spending funds on LNP/MNP queries.
This behavior is controlled by option send LRN in terminator's settings.