


How to release space on HDD

Why it is vital to release space on HDD is described in section What happens if disk becomes full.

Attention! In case if you're a Streamco customer, don't perform operations below by yourself!
You could spoil all your data.
Technical support team releases space without interaction with customer, using monitoring system.

First obtain root access - see How to acquire root access.

/var section.

Deletion of useless data.

  • clear Asterisk log file:
    # dd if=/dev/null of=/var/log/asterisk/messages

This operation is done automatically by system once a day.
However in case if you enabled Asterisk log, the file can grow very fast.
For example, if you perform Debug SIP protocol in Asterisk.
In this case you might need manual cleaning.

  • clear Smartswitch log files:
    Check which file has big size:
    # cd /var/log/smartswitch
    # mc

    Clear big files:
    # dd if=/dev/null of=/var/log/smartswitch/<имя файла>

    This operation is done automatically by system once a day.
    However if you enabled logging via Logging system, the file can grow quickly.
    In this case you might need manual cleaning.
    Caution! Do not delete information from asterisk.log!
    Otherwise it won't be possible to restore CDRs in DB in case of DB failure.
  • delete debug core memory dumps:
    # rm /var/log/*core

Deletion of useful data.

  • delete part of configuration backups.
    If your configuration is quite big, backups can take much space.
    You can delete old backups , which you won't need.
    Restoring from backup is described in section Backup and recovery
    # cd /var/backups/smartswitch
    # mc

Choose file by date.
Select file with 'Insert'.
Delete selected with F8.

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