h1. How to release space on HDD {{>toc}} Why it is vital to release space on HDD is described in section [[What happens if disk becomes full]]. *Attention! In case if you're a Streamco customer, don't perform operations below by yourself! You could spoil all your data. Technical support team releases space without interaction with customer, using monitoring system.* First obtain root access - see [[How to acquire root access]]. h2. /var section. h3. Deletion of useless data. * *clear Asterisk log file*:
# dd if=/dev/null of=/var/log/asterisk/messages
This operation is done automatically by system once a day. However in case if you enabled Asterisk log, the file can grow very fast. For example, if you perform [[Debug SIP protocol in Asterisk]]. In this case you might need manual cleaning. * *clear Smartswitch log files*: Check which file has big size:
# cd /var/log/smartswitch
# mc
Clear big files:
# dd if=/dev/null of=/var/log/smartswitch/<имя файла>
This operation is done automatically by system once a day. However if you enabled logging via [[Logging]] system, the file can grow quickly. In this case you might need manual cleaning. *Caution! Do not delete information from asterisk.log!* Otherwise it won't be possible to restore CDRs in DB in case of DB failure. * *delete debug core memory dumps*:
# rm /var/log/*core
h3. Deletion of useful data. * *delete part of configuration backups*. If your configuration is quite big, backups can take much space. You can delete old backups , which you won't need. Restoring from backup is described in section [[Backup and recovery]]
# cd /var/backups/smartswitch
# mc
Choose file by date. Select file with 'Insert'. Delete selected with F8. [[Как освободить место на жестком диске|Русский перевод]]