


Release 9.0

Release date: 2021-04-16

New features:

#3270: Repeating number detector: add an option "exclude numbers from pool"
#3271: Add possibility to specify a Caller ID number pool per E.164 zone
#3267: Tariff plan: add priorities to Rules instead of matching by the number length
#3278: Combine User -> Caller numbers + User -> Caller names
#3279: User -> Caller numbers: add priorities
#3247: Implement SMPP over SSL
#3282: Remove dependancy on cgicc package to make document generation multi-threaded
#3277: Add ICE API: get CDR and linked peers by specific number
#3289: Implement configurable maximum duration of an SQL query inside ICE API handler
#3292: ICE API: save deprecated API calls to the DB and display report of it
#3293: Financial report: show profit separately per inbound and outbound traffic
#3294: Authorization by prefix should work not just in the bounds of a single company
#3298: ICE API: log to DB the starting and ending of a session and display the report accordingly
#3299: ICE API: log API calls to DB
#3304: app_replace should also replace from a number pool
#3300: Web-interface speed optimization for a cluster setup: don't poll purelyu backup server
#3308: Add a A-number pool for users
#3286: Implement the support for the new AmoCRM authorization API
#3326: Enhance log rotation for the case when there are many logs and small disk space
#3318: All temporary tables should be created in the "tmp" database - this will allow to generate reports at the backup server
#3323: Route classes -> Rules: add numericc field for priority
#3265: SMPP: support several IP addresses at the originator
#3310: Retransmission control: add separately configurable e-mail at the company
#3254: Implement ACL for the media IP addresses
#3141: Implement HLR over SMPP
#3329: DLR profile: move to SMPP settings
#3330: SMPP -> HLR dipping: add DLR profile
#3331: Roles -> Account ACL -> Terminators -> Call detail report: options to control the visibility of the Tools tab are not shown
#3335: HLR over SMPP: re-visit the system of storing the pcap files
#3338: Add the new menu: SMPP -> Tools -> Dip HLR
#3340: HLR: Implement SMPP -> SMPP routing
#3343: SMPP -> HLR dipping: Add fields mcc, mnc, imsi, reachable, roaming
#3346: Users -> А-numbers: implement auto-replacing the A-number while testing
#3328: Support additional ports for SIP
#3280: Need routing by descending price for the toll-free calls
#3348: Add options which allow or disallow transfer for a user
#3351: message_cache: replace field call_id with call_ts + call_id
#3339: Re-send an SMS if no DLR has been received
#3361: HTTP channel: display available variables
#3364: Cluster settings -> Backup -> password shouldn't be visible
#3365: Add PJSIP channel
#3373: Enhance the system of the log rotatiion
#3394: Route class -> Rules -> Timetable: support non-contigious range
#3306: Call detail report: export more price digits
#3397: Network -> Ping: allow pinging during the whole day
#3403: Add option to disallow non-authorized IP addresses through the firewall
#3406: Move to FreeBSD-12.2
#3411: Users: add the possibility to specify a company per user (prior it was a company per a user group)
#3412: Dealer: add the linked company data to a Summary report and the E.164 code report
#3413: Add ngrep to the a distribution
#3414: SMPP pcap: dynamically determine the port of the connected peer through the AMI
#3415: Replace with supervisor app
#3429: Update the IP address location database
#3423: Sort the import templates alphabetically
#3450: Graphs generation: make the error easier to understand
#3449: IP ACL for the web-cabinet
#3455: Call details: add filter "show routed calls"
#3460: Call handler: add application PickupChan
#3468: cdr_handler: need to add an option to not to update the cache due to direct queries when we handle CDRs directly from the log
#3473: Route blending


#3275: Unable to properly import users
#3276: E.164 code report: improper sum is displayed at the "price" column
#3281: Redo billing: often doesn't reach the end
#3283: When a call is hanged up through the web-interface, need to explicitly hang up a linked leg
#3288: System shouldn't allow terminator to initiate a transfer
#3290: Web-interface sometimes restarts when a dialog is closed
#3296: Web-interface sometimes restarts when doing a refill
#3307: SMPP: the error "handleAccept() error: Bad file descriptor" fills whole disk space
#3305: Fail2ban doesn't react on DDos through the unfinished authentication dialogs
#3297: Need to display an error if a price file contains several same E.164 codes
#3316: Financial report: profit is not shown
#2887: Asterisk-16: wrong CDR on Atxfer via *2 recall
#3322: Deletion of an address from the IPv4 address locattions menu doesn't reload the firewall
#3325: The empty codec value at the RTP tab
#2897: Number pool on the originator: incorrect CDR
#3324: Unable to view the report on the backup server
#3336: Adding a repeating number occurs before checking for the number of concurrent calls
#3344: Pricelist with changes export: NULL at column "activation time"
#3345: Chrome: Not secure after playing audio
#3353: Incomplete audio recording when doing blind transfer *1
#3354: Issue with WebRTC in case if there is a space in the user name
#3360: SMPP + AppSendDlr: sends DLR in a different connection than the request comes in
#3363: PriceList with changes crash when generating
#3370: Asterisk restart by watchdog
#3393: Web-interface has occupied the whole RAM space
#3327: Unable to enter the web-interface by the auth token on the backup server
#3402: Fail2ban doesn't react on the DDos through the malformed packet
#3409: SMS: Invalid number format when checking routing
#3420: The progress of a deletion of 10k users is not shown
#3425: Huntstop classes: flag "always" is not handled
#3439: Periodic acceptance certificate generation: Unknown column '' in 'field list'
#3443: System live -> Calls: improper answer timer in Asterisk-16
#3448: Email: plain body content with \n instead of \r\n doesnt pass to some recipients
#3446: ACL: import/export is not implemented
#3451: Assertion 'boost::lexical_cast()' failed in file '/usr/ports/net/smartswitch/work/smartswitch-8.1.53663/app/mp3_converter/directory_time_converter.cxx' line 56
#3453: Error executing periodic task: /usr/local/bin/smartswitch/document_generator --document acceptance_certificate
#3456: Code detail report: sometimes progress is not updated and browswer bails out
#3459: Web-shisper: CDR is not saved
#3462: Improper system time synching by the ntpd
#3465: There is no access initiator at the logs
#3469: Peer ASR/ACD routing is not working
#3477: Eliminate unexplainable dependency of registering the gateway on the option Outbound -> enabled
#3478: Routing doesn't use the base route class
#3479: Call generation: when task is automatically created the original order of the B-numbers from the generator is not preserved
#3480: Assertion origination_control_blocked_peerx.cxx line 146
#3483: pcap sniffer: when enabling pcap media during the already active pcap signaling, the media is not captured
#3486: Fail2ban doesn't react on DDoS through the unfinished SIP registration
#3506: web-interface sometimes crashes
#3510: configd hangs on reading from pipe when doing "service rsyncd restart"
#3514: Empty SMPP SMSC connection is shown at the SMPP SMSC menu
#3512: E.164 code report doesn't display the sum in the certain cases
#3529: Sending SMS from the web-interface under high CPS sometimes causes the Asterisk freeze

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