h1. Originators {{>toc}} h2. Edit h3. General !originators.gif! *enable* - enable/disable peer. When peer is disabled, all calls which come from him will be blocked and won't be shown in reports. *name* - peer name. *company* - choose one of [[Companies]], to which belongs this peer. *billing pack* - choose one of [[Billing packs]], which will be used to calculate prices for calls. *consumption profile* - choose [[Consumption profile]] for this peer. *call handler* - choose [[Call handler]], which will be used for this originator. *route class* - choose one of [[Route classes]] for this originator. *profit controller* - choose one of [[Profit controllers]]. *call limit* - set maximum simultaneous call amount which should be handled by the system. All beyond limit will be dropped. *language* - chose one of [[Languages]]. *origination controller* - choose one of [[Origination controllers]]. h3. Technologies !originators1.gif! *SIP* - add/edit/delete [[Originator SIP parameters]] *H323* - add/edit/delete [[Originator H323 parameters]] *OH323* - add/edit/delete [[Originator OH323 parameters]] h2. Menu !originators2.gif! h3. Lists *Caller ID replace patterns* - [[Regex patterns]] for caller ID (А-number) replacement *Callee ID replace patterns* - [[Regex patterns]] for callee ID (B-number) replacement *Variables* - this menu can contain variables which are set for this originator. Variables could be used in [[Call handler]] for various reasons. Variables could be set either using this menu or using [[Widget classes]]. *Nodes* - contains list of nodes which will handle calls from this originator (see section [[Clustering]]). In case if none is set, it's assumed that call from this originator should be handled by any of nodes of the cluster. *Special settings* - in this menu you can specify [[Widget classes]] for this originator. h3. Code management *Call limit for code* - in this menu you can specify max. simultaneous call count for this peer. The specified code should be present in [[Prices]], otherwise limit won't be used. h3. Reports In this menu reports in the context of originator are displayed. * [[Call detail report]] * [[Statistics report]] * [[Code report]] * [[Profit report]] * [[Hangup cause report]] * [[Media format report]] * [[Captured calls report]] h3. Tools [[Check hunting]] - tool for checking hunting for this originator. [[Redo billing]] - used to re-calculate billing. h3. System live [[Graphs]] - information about channels, [[ASR indicator|ASR]], [[ACD indicator|ACD]], duration in graphical format for this originator. [[Calls]] - a list of currently active calls for this originator. [[Оригинаторы|Русский перевод]]