How to send SWIFT wire

In case, if you have signed a service contract with us with payments via international SWIFT system, when filling in a payment order you should stick to the following rules.

You should specify ALL data, marked with red, from section Mandatory SWIFT information from our invoice!
In this section SWIFT standard field names in international format are marked with black, for example 56: INTERMEDIARY INSTITUTION.
Data which has to be filled in the corresponding field is marked red.

In case of omission of at least of one word, which is marked red, your SWIFT wire might be put on hold on several days in intermediary banks for data rectification.
Or it can be returned back to you with charging a commission within several days.

Each SWIFT wire, which goes out from your bank has standard fields with numeric IDs.
In invoice we specify data for the following standard fields of SWIFT international wire transfer:

Specifying all of these fields in the SWIFT wire which goes out of your bank is absolutely enough for SWIFT wire to arrive on our account.

However, sometimes, these fields are named differently in the wire composition web-form of your bank.
If you don't know or not sure which fields of your bank wire composition form correspond to which field of SWIFT standard wire payment format,
please appeal to technical support of your bank for explanations.

After successful wire payment, when all data specified above has been filled correctly, the payment is credited to our account in 3 banking days.

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