h1. HTTP API lnp mnp Performs [[LNP/MNP dipping]] and returns the result. {{>toc}} h2. Arguments |*argument*|*mandatory*|*description*| |_login|yes|coincides with the user / company login to the personal account | |_password|yes| matches the user / company password to the personal account | |number|yes|number in E.164 format | |request_id| no | Value, assigned by client. Will be returned to client in response| h2. Returned data Server returns response in "JSON API":https://jsonapi.org/format/ format. Response will contain one of: * *errors*. Array of errors, occured when processing the request. * *data*. JSON object, which contains request results, in case if request from client contains 1 number. Array of JSON objects, in case if request from client contains several numbers. *errors* and *data* will not be present in 1 response simultaneously. Each response contains either *errors*, or *data*. *data* can contain following attributes: |*attribute*|*mandatory*|*description*| |id|yes|response ID assigned by server| |type|yes|"lnp_mnp"| |number|yes|requested number| |status|yes|ок - information has been successfully retrieved, balance has been charged for the request, error - information hasn't been retrieved, balance hasn't been charged for the request| |lrn|no|empty - the requested E.164 number is not ported, not empty - the requested E.164 number is ported, the "lrn" number should be used for routing and billing| |request_id|yes, if client has passed request_id inside the request|argument that has been passed by the client| *errors* can contain following attributes: |*attribute*|*mandatory*|*description*| |code|yes|Short error code. Can be used by a client for conditional error handling. It doesn't depend on a client's locale.| |detail|yes|Error details. Can be used by a client to display inside contents of a error dialog. Can be returned by the server in a locale of a client.| |title|yes|Error title. Can be used by a client to display in the header of the error dialog. Can be returned by the server in a locale of a client.| h2. Examples h3. Dipping 1 number |*request*|GET "https://your.server.name/api/lnp_mnp?number=79183035536&request_id=1&_login=LOGIN&_password=PASSWORD"| |*response*|
	"data" : {
		"attributes" : {
			"lrn" : "79800000000",
			"number" : "79183035536",
			"status" : "ok"
		"id" : "1561370632513",
		"meta" : {
			"request_id" : "1"
		"type" : "lnp_mnp"
| h3. Dipping 2 numbers |*request*|GET "https://your.server.name/api/lnp_mnp?number=79183035536&request_id=1&number=79183035537&request_id=2&_login=LOGIN&_password=PASSWORD"| |*response*|
	"data" : [
			"attributes" : {
				"lrn" : "79800000000",
				"number" : "79183035536",
				"status" : "ok"
			"id" : "1561371433517",
			"meta" : {
				"request_id" : "1"
			"type" : "lnp_mnp"
			"attributes" : {
				"lrn" : "",
				"number" : "79183035537",
				"status" : "ok"
			"id" : "1561371433518",
			"meta" : {
				"request_id" : "2"
			"type" : "lnp_mnp"
| h3. Error |*request*|GET "https://your.server.name/api/lnp_mnp?number=79183035536&request_id=1&_login=LOGIN&_password=PASSWORD"| |*response*|
	"errors" : [
			"code" : "authentication",
			"detail" : "Please check your login and password",
			"title" : "Authentication error"
| [[HTTP интерфейс lnp_mnp|Русский перевод]]