


Deliver delivery receipt

Upon receiving a delivery receipt from a supplier from a network, Smartswitch will send HTTP query to a URL of a client.
The URL of a client should be specified in menu Originator -> Technologies -> HTTP -> Delivery receipt -> URL.

By default HTTP query will be sent using POST method.
The body of a POST query will contain following attributes:

attribute description
message_id ID of a message.
Coincides with an "id" attribute, which has been returned to a client in response to HTTP API message invocation by a client
message_state the state of a message.
Must be one of: enroute, delivered, expired, undeliverable, accepted, unknown, rejected

In case if client requests sending attributes in some other format, for example JSON, you can change format on the side of Smartswitch.
To do this, you should fill tab Originator -> Technologies -> HTTP -> Delivery receipt according to demands of a client.

Example of the body of a POST request


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