h1. HTTP API active_calls {{>toc}} Returns a list of current active calls that are received by internal phones for this account. Typically, this API is used in polling mode every 5-10 seconds by CRM systems. When an incoming call is detected, the CRM system can display [[Contact card|Contact card]]. h2. Mandatory arguments |*argument*|*description*| |_login|coincides with the user/company login to the personal account| |_password|matches the user/company password to the personal account| h2. Returned data | status | "ok", if the operation completed without an error, "error", if an error occurred, or if it was not possible to return useful data | | data | useful data, returned when status = "ok"| | errors | error details, returned when status = "error" | |calleridnum|internal number to which the call is directed| |connectedlinenum|caller ID| |connectedlinename|caller name| |state|call state| |uniqueid|unique call ID, matches uniqueid from [[HTTP API cdr|cdr]] and [[HTTP API recordings|recordings]]| h2. Example |*request*|GET "https://your.server.name/api/active_calls?_login=LOGIN&_password=PASSWORD"| |*response*|
  "data" : [
      "calleridnum" : "12123388100",
      "connectedlinenum" : "123737373737",
      "connectedlinename" : "John",
      "state" : "Ringing",
      "uniqueid" : "121223123.333"
      "calleridnum" : "12124599066",
      "connectedlinenum" : "123445435567",
      "connectedlinename" : "Michael",
      "state" : "Ringing",
      "uniqueid" : "12122545.334"
 "status" : "ok"
| [[HTTP интерфейс active_calls|Русский перевод]]