Now we shall add user group for our calling cards. The users from this user group are cards. They are virtual. They don't correspond to any SIP or H323 peer entry and thus they don't need to be stored in the RAM configuration for SBC (Session Border Controller).
Go to Home >> Dial-peers >> User Groups. here you can see a list of user groups. If yours is empty, don't worry - now we'll start filling it.
Press "Add" now. You'll see the following screen:
Now you will see user group in a list.
Now you must complete user group's configuration.
Press "Edit" near user group in a list. You'll see a screen like this:
Now we must tell the system which node should take this user group into its RAM configuration (this is extremely useful for cluster configurations),
Press "Nodes" link in the user group edit mode and press "Add" there. You'll see:
Select needed node. In single-node configuration there will be only one choice available. Press "Commit".
We're almost done. Now we need to set up a route between originator and terminator. Return to editing mode of originator
and follow the link "Routes". You will see empty route set. This means that currently there are no routes configured. Press "Add" and look at: