Softswitch - is the software router of telephony calls.
It receives calls from originator, user or gateway and performs Routing of them to terminators, users or gateways.
When call incomes into softswitch, the latter builds routing table and executes hunting on available routes.
The routing table is built according to the current system configuration.
All calls are billed.
If call is unable to be billed - it simply is not routed to destination.
That's how you can be sure that your billing is synced with your routing configuration and that you won't loose money.
In this chapter we shall explain how to setup minimal routing and billing from the inbound traffic point to the outbound one.
You shall see that this is easy just as making a cup of tea!
Let us imagine situation that can be in a real world.
We have VoIP terminator named "GreatProvider".
He can serve calls to code 1(North America) from us.
And his billing is 1/1/0.
That means 1 second is the minimum connected call length, increment is 1, and free seconds is 0.
Price is 0.04$ per minute.
He uses H323 protocol.
His IP address is Y.Y.Y.Y.
On the other hand we have originator, named "SmallCustomer".
He wants to buy code 1 from us and to originate traffic to that destination.
And his billing is 30/6/0.
That means 30 seconds is the minimum connected call length, increment is 6, and free seconds is 0.
We sold him that code for 0.05$.
He uses SIP protocol and his IP address is X.X.X.X.
In the following sections we'll describe how to connect these peers with each other thought the Smartswitch stem by step.
After that you shall start making profit ~0.01$ per minute for every call(it depends on call length)!
Configure Companies
Configure Billing Packs
Configure Terminator
Configure Call Handler
Configure Originator
Configure User
Check Hunting