h1. Companies {{>toc}} h2. General !companies.gif! *group* - can choose one of [[Company groups]] *loss controller* - set [[Loss controllers|Loss controller]] if needed. *telephony service* - used for [[Invoice generation]]. *time zone* -time zone in which company resides. *web-access* - described in section [[Providing web-access to a company]] h2. Inbound/Outbound Format for the tabs +Inbound+, +Outbound+ is the same: !companies1.gif! Here you can specify one of [[Billing packs]]. You can override this setting on per-peer basis. h2. Balance Format for the tabs +Their balance+, +Our balance+, +Mutual balance+ is the same: !companies2.gif! The difference between these balances is described in section [[Balances]]. *balance cutoff* - described in section [[Balance cutoff]] *credit amount* - used for [[Balance cutoff]]. Here you can specify how negative balance could be before cutting off. *credit currency* - specify in which currency credit amount is. Parameters for [[Balance threshold control]] are described in appropriate section: *balance threshold amount* *balance threshold currency* *balance alarm email* *balance alarm mail template* *balance mail time* h2. Activation !companies3.gif! Parameters from this tab are described in section [[Activation and deactivation]] h2. Consumption profiles !companies4.gif! This tab is used for selection of [[Consumption profiles]] for the company. h2. Mail !companies5.gif! *e-mail* - address to which _deactivation_ alerts will be sent and e-mails of [[Termination control]]. *mail account* - mail account, which will be used to send e-mails to this company. *deactivation mail template* - mail template which will be used on [[Activation and deactivation|deactivation]]. *termination control mail template* - mail template, which will be used for sending e-mail, when [[Termination control|termination control]] will generate data. h2. Information !companies6.gif! In this tab information about company is filled. Information from this tab is used on [[Invoice generation]]. h2. Menus Below company edit there is menu: !companies7.gif! h3. Tools. * [[Redo billing]] * [[Compare CDR]] h3. System live * [[Graphs]] * [[Calls]] h3. Lists. Parameters and settings which are used in [[Widget classes|Widget classes]]. h3. Finances * [[Invoices]] * [[Payments]] * [[Write-offs]] * [[Periodic write-offs]] h3. Reports. * [[Company summary report|Summary report]]. [[Компании|Русский перевод]]