h1. Billing packs {{>toc}} Principle of work is described in section [[Billing pack]]. h2. General !billing_packs.gif! *name* - informational field, by which you can identify billing pack. *use* - usage mode, see section [[Billing pack]] *currency* - default currency for all prices from billing pack. In submenu you can re-define currency for certain destination codes. *price includes tax* - enable this option in case if there is a tax included into price. Otherwise, in case if Company has tax configured, tax will be added to specified price. *price increase deferral (days)* - if enabled, the system will check timeliness of price increase and destination removal notifications from peer and display error on import in case if partner violates contract and notifies not in time. *generation profile* - see section [[Billing pack generation]] *import exception class* - see section [[Billing pack import exceptions]] h2. Price import from e-mail This functionality is described in section [[Prices by e-mail]]. !billing_packs1.gif! *e-mail* - partner's e-mail, which is authorized for automatic price-list import *mail account* - [[Mail accounts|Mail account]], which is used for automatic e-mail download. *import class* - [[Price by e-mail import classes|Price by e-mail import class]], which is used for automatic parsing and import of accepted e-mail *file template* - in case if partner sends various price-list tariffs (for example, Standard, Premium, etc) from the same e-mail address, you can specify template of attached file name to inform Smartswitch, that this billing pack should accept only certain category of price-lists. h2. Price export to e-mail Options from this sections are used for automatic export and sending of price-lists to customer's e-mail. !billing_packs2.gif! *tariff* - in case if you support various tariffs for customer (for example, Standard, Premium, etc), this field should contain name of that tariff. This name will be passed inside variable ${TARIFF} to the process of e-mail generation by [[Mail templates|Mail template]], and will be added to attached file name to enable your customer to correctly identify received information from downloaded e-mail. h2. Menus !billing_packs3.gif! h3. Lists [[Price-lists]] - this menu is used in the *price-lists* mode (see section [[Billing pack]]) [[E.164 billing pack codes|E.164 codes]] - this menu is used in the *destination codes mode (see section [[Billing pack]]) [[Minute duration definitions]] h3. Tools [[Billing pack generation|Generate]] h3. Price-list generation These tools allow to get full price -list with a list of changes in the format, which has established in inter-operator price-list exchange. This price-list could be later exported to file or automatically sent to all partners, which have that billing pack configured. [[Prices with changes]] [[Actual prices]] [[Биллинговые пакеты|Русский перевод]]